Melanie Wilson - Fitness & Nutrition Coach
Nutrition Coaching

Why work with me?
Just as you'd consult a financial advisor for financial advice or a doctor for medical advice, why would you not consult with a nutrition coach for nutritional advice?
With so much conflicting information available about health and nutrition and with a myriad of diets, pills and detoxes, navigating through this information is a minefield! It's no wonder the general population are confused and overwhelmed by what they should or should not be doing!
So why work with me? I'll teach you the basic principles of nutrition along with the importance of calories and macronutrients. I'll show you what you need to do to get life changing and sustainable results whilst still enjoying the foods you love!
Using a scientific and evidence based approach to nutrition, I will educate and empower you to make healthier nutritional decisions whilst still allowing you to lead a social and balanced lifestyle.

Let me mentor and guide you towards making smarter and healthier nutritional choices which will not only transform your body, but also transform your mind, helping you to become much more confident in yourself.
I can provide you with actionable and proven methods to help you reach your nutritional goals as well as provide helpful recommendations on how to navigate real world nutritional challenges.
I thoroughly enjoy guiding clients along their journey. My goal is to help you feel happy, confident and comfortable with your body by creating an individual, tailored nutrition plan that specifically targets your needs and goals.
I specialises in nutrition plans for all, whether you're seeking to lose weight, gain muscle or require nutritional support for a specific style of training or event. Feel free to contact me for an informal chat about how I can help you achieve your goals!

Nutrition & Exercise

The Key To Achieving Great Results!
Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand … consistency with both is the key to reaching your goals and achieving long-lasting results!
If you’re looking to lose wight and you’re exercising regularly but don’t seem to be making any progress with your goals, then it’s likely that your nutrition is holding you back! It's true what they say ... you can't out train a bad diet!
Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise! Creating a caloric deficit with your nutrition and burning calories through exercise, will ensure success when embarking on a weight loss journey.
Whatever your goals, whether that be weight loss or muscle gain, it’s important for you to realise that results happen over time … not overnight! To see the changes most people are seeking takes a lot of hard work, consistency, dedication and patience. This is why I always emphasise to clients that personal transformations are more of a marathon than a sprint!
Although consistency is the key, it’s not always easy to maintain. When embarking on a new fitness or nutrition plan, our initial burst of enthusiasm and excitement soon fades … usually after a dip in motivation or after setting ourselves unrealistic goals and disappointed with the short term results!
This is why I’ll work with you to set realistic short term goals which will eventually add up to achieving your long term goal.
True transformation, both physical and mental, comes from a lifestyle change. It’s a long process of eating healthy, nutritious foods and exercising regularly. Once you realise this, you’ll start to enjoy your transformation journey.

Join Our 6 Week Challenge
Join our 6 week fitness and nutrition challenge and work towards becoming a healthier and happier version of you!
I can help you achieve your goals whilst still enjoying the foods you love!
✅ Real food tailored to fit your preferences and lifestyle
✅ A tailored nutrition plan based on your individual goals
✅ Recommendations on daily calorie and macronutrient targets
✅ Unlimited access to all group based fitness session for the duration of the challenge
✅ Nutritional advice, guidance on food groups as well as healthy meal and snack ideas
✅ Regular check ins for accountability, encouragement, support and motivation
✅ Affordable
✅ Guaranteed results ... providing you stick to the plan!
It’s time to ditch the fad diets and quick fixes … they may work in the short term but they’re simply not sustainable!
❌ No restrictive diets
❌ No ‘banned’ or ‘free’ foods
❌ No ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach
❌ No meal replacement shakes or expensive supplements
❌ No fat burning pills or detox teas